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Why Should I Become a Member?

NSTLRA is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization serving education and charitable purposes for the community of North and South Twin Lake residents. The services offered by the Lake Association are supported by the members and their annual dues. Some of the services that the dues support on a broad level are: 


  • Special Events like the Annual Poker Run, Golf Outings, & get-togethers that offer fun ways to interact with the community and enjoy life on the lakes

  • Education programs about wildlife, our natural resources, the surrounding community & the history of the area. 

  • The Annual Meeting - a gathering of the membership featuring a picnic, annual business meeting & program. 

  • Communications to offer members up-to-date information about events, volunteer opportunities, community activities & more. We maintain communications via our website, social media channels & our bi-annual newsletter.  

  • Special Merchandise featuring the NSTLRA logo 

  • Membership Signs - each new member receives a free aluminum sign for mounting on your fire number or dock to communicate that you are a member of NSTLRA 


The Lake Association also works as a partner with the Lake District to advocate for the interests of the lake's property owners. Become a member to support the community on North & South Twin Lake! 


Membership Specifics 

Membership Dues are $25 annually and can be paid anytime during each calendar year. The membership begins January 1st and runs through December 31st every year. 


In Person

Attend the Annual Meeting or any other NSTLRA event and ask for a membership form to fill out + submit payment in-person


2025 Annual Meeting: 6/28/25 



Click below to pay online for your annual membership

By Mail

Print out the membership form found here, fill it out and send the completed form + dues to the NSTLRA P.O Box



P.O. Box 163 

Phelps, WI 54554

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